One Stop Breast Clinic
We are happy to see any patient with a breast worry or concern. This could be because they have a noticed a change in their breasts, or are worried about the shape and size of their breast, or want to learn how to do breast self examination or want advice about management of their breast health in the long term especially if there is a family history of breast cancer.
We pride ourselves on being able to provide rapid access, rapid diagnostic breast assessment service at the same appointment. We recognise that attending the Breast clinic can be an anxious time for you, however, we aim to make the clinic appointment as relaxed as possible. You are very welcome to bring along a friend or a family member.
In clinic you will meet Miss Akolekar who will ask you relevant questions about your concerns and take a detailed history from you. She will then carry out a breast examination in both sitting and lying down positions. As a part of the examination, it is normal to examine lymph glands under your arm and around your neck.
We recommend that all women above the age of 35 should have a mammogram if they have a new breast symptom. We may also recommend an Ultrasound scan of the breast. We work with highly experienced Consultant Breast Radiologists who will interpret your mammograms and perform an ultrasound if recommended. You may need further biopsies of the breast or lymph glands (triple assessment) which can usually be performed at the same visit.
A mammogram is an X-ray of the breast. The breasts will be pressed down firmly on the surface by a clear plate. At least two pictures of each breast will be taken. Ultrasound is performed using a hand-held scanning probe, which will be moved over the breast to look at the underlying breast tissue. The area under your arm (axilla) may also be scanned.
After you have been to the radiology department you will return to us to discuss the findings. If a biopsy has been performed it will be sent to a Consultant Pathologist for analysis. You will then be given another appointment to return for the results of the biopsy. Sometimes further scans like an MRI scan might be recommended but we will discuss this in detail with you.
We are able to reassure the majority of women after their consultation and assessment that they have healthy breasts.