22ndJanuary 2019
Ritchie Chalmers was approached by Dr Andrew Swindlehurst, a GP Partner at West Malling Group Practice and a very dynamic and engaged West Malling Patient Participation group last year to request if we could talk to the ladies in the area about Breast self examination. We both passionately believe in encouraging breast awareness amongst women and giving them the knowledge and confidence in breast self examination.
We decided to team up with our Consultant Gynaecological colleagues- Dr Phillipa Moth and Dr Anne Henderson and Consultant Radiologist Dr Pippa Mills for an fantastic evening of Women’s Health talks and workshops. We facilitated small group question sessions so that it was less intimidating to ask questions in a smaller group rather than in a large audience. Our Breast Care Nurse Specialist, Juanita Caseley helped ladies try breast self examination on models.
Ladies also had the opportunity to see the mammogram machine and quiz Dr Mills regarding the National Breast Screening programme.
The event was held at GenesisCare, Kings Hill and fully booked. It was attended by 50 ladies. After the success of this event we plan to arrange another evening – details to follow soon!